• Reduce pain in your back, neck, shoulders, hips, knees, fingers and wrists
  • Ease symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Release bunched up connective tissue, especially fascia, that contributes to postural misalignment and reduced joint function
  • Strengthen your core and stabilising muscle groups to protect your back
  • Improve working posture and implementation in to daily life
  • Reduce muscle fatigue and overload when treating patients
  • Get movement in to your working day, even if just for 5 minutes.
  • Reduce stress and adopt a calmer pace to life with short breathing and meditation practices

Magic will happen!

I'm Nicki, and I will be guiding you.

I'm happy to confess that I'm a free spirit, lover of life, and passionate about all things made from chocolate!

My life also embraces being a yin yoga, hatha yoga, mandala vinyasa, and SUP yoga teacher, and a registered dental hygienist of over 30 years.

I know from experience what happens to our bodies when we treat patients, sitting for long periods, often with crooked posture, either as a clinician or a dental nurse. I also know what ribs being pulled out of place, joint misalignment, and fascia pain feels like... it's horrible and creates lots of misery.

I also know that it can be prevented and that transformation is possible.

Yin yoga in particular was a life changer for me, it had such a deep impact on my physical and emotional wellbeing that I now want to you to feel it.

I have already successfully helped other dental professionals to ease discomfort in their bodies, and you too can experience what this feels like when you join the program.


Who is this program for?

It is designed for dental professionals who experience work related muco skeletal pain as a result of working practices and posture, or as a preventative program to avoid painful problems in the future.

How long is the program and how much time should I set aside?

The program consists of 8 weekly modules of maximum 1 hour duration per module.

Changing the structure of tight, seized up tissues takes time, so commitment is needed. For more noticeable results I recommended to do the practical class sessions 2 x per week, and developing a regular yin yoga practice after the program ends.

The modules will be emailed to you each week.

I can't even touch my toes, do I need to be flexible?

No, this is the goal of the program, to gradually increase your flexibility and suppleness.

Do I need experience doing yoga?

Not at all, this is a gentle program that a complete beginner can follow.

What do I need?

A warm, quiet space for you to practice is ideal. You will also need a yoga or fitness mat, a bolster or alternatively some cushions or pillows, 2 yoga blocks or yoga bricks, (or an equivalent such as a stable stack of books or large food tins should do).

How long will i have access to the program?

It's yours forever! When the 8 weeks are completed you can interchange the poses within the modules to suit your ongoing needs. Or you can choose a module aimed at a specific area of your body as and when you need it. It's yours to play around with!

Example Curriculum

  Introduction to program
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 1: Foundations of posture & spine
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 2: Neck & shoulders
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 3: forward & lateral spine flexion
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 4: gluteals, IT band & tensor fasciae latae
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 5: adductors
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 6: spine extension & hip flexors
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 7: quadriceps & more hips
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 8: putting it all together.
Available in days
days after you enroll

We love the evidence!

Studies support the use of yoga for healthcare professionals and recently, in 2019, the Journal of Clinical Medicine published a study on the use of yoga to manage stress and burnout in healthcare workers.

The 2019 study by Cocchiara et al titled:

The Use of Yoga to Manage Stress and Burnout in Healthcare Workers: A Systematic Review says:

"Professionals, such as surgeons and dentists have exhibited similar issues...the numerous working hours they spend in stationary and incorrect posture from which musculoskeletal conditions derivate.

Dental hygienists represent a relevant example of this issue as they often experience neck and back pain, eye problems, muscle tension, headaches or carpal tunnel syndrome."

The study concludes:

"According to the published literature, yoga is effective in the prevention and management of mucoskeletal and psychological issues."


"Today I woke up for the first time since being a dental nurse & I didn’t have ANY back pain. I am blown away by the quick response my body is having doing this yoga. Finger stretches that I have never thought of doing, cat/cow & spinal twists have all helped. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou."


"I did the first module & was a little difficult for me due to my inflexibility but I really enjoyed it. I do feel the spinal postures help...& muscles feel relaxed this morning."


"I am so impressed. I have tried some online yoga before but it totally lacked explanations & differentiation for hopeless people like me! I really like the pre teaching element so before I start properly I have experienced how to stand, sit, breathe, & I have the PDF of poses next to me."


"Love this, done it twice. Took me a while to get broken wing pose but the PDF helped."


This course is closed for enrollment.


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WhatsApp: +44 7778 483661

Email: [email protected]